Sunday, 12 February 2017

LAZY-B - LAZY-B TV (2006)

Vaguely picked for the artwork (i.e. a Peter Murphy-era Maxell advert memory) and the Underwear Goes Inside The Pants and The Manual (Chapter 4) track titles, this Lazy-B album seemed to offer something a little different. However, upon listening, the first couple of tracks soon diminished any promise, instead presenting itself more as a one-trick pony. A rather tired one-trick pony with one wonky leg.

Each track is nothing much more than a sequence of cut-up voice samples and spoken word messages providing facts and information over an uninspiring dance backing. Sort of a disco Baz Luhrmann Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen with slightly more emphasis on sexual themes, presumably to make it appear more edgy? Yawn.

It might have made a mildly entertaining three minute single but with each repeat play, an album full of the stuff gets less and less enjoyable. Once you've heard all the titbits, there's just no point in hearing them again. It came with a Limited Edition Bonus DVD, which didn't improve the experience. I should have guessed from the artwork that this album is so tired it needs a chair. The Maxell ad was much more exciting.

Top Track: Are You Qualified?

Verdict: Fail - just plain lazy.


Here are some examples from YouTube:

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